These days, our world is more online than offline. Cybersecurity has become increasingly important. What can you do to ensure your information is secure?

One worrisome trend that’s resulted from the pandemic is a rising number of cyberattacks. Hackers know that more employees are working from home, and they go to great lengths to exploit any vulnerabilities.

You wouldn’t leave your house without locking your door. But using a computer without cybersecurity is the digital equivalent of that.

Whether you’re a freelancer who works from home, or you’ve switched from a public workspace to a home office, these cybersecurity tips will help keep your devices safe:


Use Strong Passwords

If your password appears on this list of the most common passwords, it’s time to switch it up. Simple passwords might be the easiest to remember, but they’re also the easiest to hack into. 

Here are a few tips for creating more secure passwords:

  • Use unusual number combinations. If your password contains any combination of “123” or “456”, it’s time for an update. These strings of numbers are the first things a hacker will try when trying to crack your password. Instead, use unusual number strings that are harder to guess.


  • Don’t include personal information. Using your first or last name in your password will be one of the first things a hacker will try. Instead, use an unusual word, or something you associate with a memory.


  • Make it longer. We know it’s tempting to use a shorter password—it saves you a bit of time whenever you log in. But a longer password will always be secure, even if it’s harder to remember. 


Who’s Watching You?

Is someone watching you? We don’t mean from over your shoulder—we mean from your webcam.

Since the rise of Zoom, you’ve probably spent more time using your webcam. But these video devices can be hacked into and accessed remotely. If you have a webcam, it’s a good idea to unplug it when you’re not using it. Or, invest in a simple webcam cover; this movable cover slides on and off when you want to cover the lens.  

If you share a space with others, be careful about where you store your devices. When you are renting a coworking space, it’s important to keep your information protected. Never leave your devices unattended; if you must leave the room, be sure to lock them when you do. 

Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Work

Employ Proxies

Protect your data and online activity by using reliable rotating residential proxies. Proxies act as a middleman between your device and the internet, routing your traffic through another server. Proxy servers regularly change the IP address associated with your device and can have different locations, making it harder for hackers to target and track your activity.


Set Up MFA

Multi-factor authentication requires you to provide several pieces of identification before you can access your account. Along with a password, you’ll also need to answer security questions or send a verification code to log in. Whenever possible, try using a biometric as the second factor, like your fingerprint or face. 


Invest in Antivirus Software

Every computer that’s connected to the internet needs antivirus software. The default security programs on your computer just won’t cut it these days. 

On that note: get a VPN! When you connect to the internet, a VPN will secure your connection and protect your privacy. 


Be Wary of Phishing Emails

Have you ever received a suspicious email? Phishing emails are more prevalent than ever. A Houston IT provider writes, “Phishing emails can lead to viruses. At that point, you may need to contact an IT company for malware remediation.”

If you receive any emails from unknown senders, we suggest deleting them rather than opening them. 


Working remotely carries plenty of benefits. But there’s also an inherent risk factor: your home network might be less secure. Keep your information safe with the above cybersecurity tips.


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