Top 3 NBA Betting Odds

Being one of the most popular sports available worldwide, basketball betting continues to rise rapidly in almost all corners of the globe. The NBA (National Basketball Association) remains the most followed basketball league in the online sports gambling sphere. Over the years, the league has evolved, enabling competitive odds for prolific gambling enthusiasts and a high number of devotees, which continues to grow. You can claim the VulkanBet bonus code to boost your bankroll.

Basketball betting is believed by many to be alluring because it is a great source of entertainment and also involves straightforward rules whose comprehension does not require special skills. Other than that, the high-scoring nature of professional basketball, as well as its predictability, make it the most sports bettors’ choice. Read further to learn about the best NBA betting odds.

NBA Betting Odds Explained 

It’s no news that betting odds are an important part of every sports bet. The fast-paced basketball game is not exempted. Therefore, it is essential to figure out the complexities and the use of the odds. There are three odd formats punters come across, money line, decimal, and fractional odds.

Moving forward, the key thing to note about NBA betting odds is that it is a way to represent the likelihood of an event occurring. It tells how likely an event would happen and how much a bettor will win relative to his stake. If the odds are low, it means something is likely to happen, and if they’re high, it means something in the game is unlikely to happen. The lower the odds for a participant, the more likely it is that the participant will win and vice versa.

Top 3 NBA Betting 

The top three NBA betting odds are further discussed in this article, with examples to help you understand how each of them works.

Moneyline/American Odds


Moneyline or America odds are commonly used in America. It is a two-way market with only two options to place a wager. In this odds format, there are positive and negative signs or values. The American odds are very straightforward. The favourite will always be shown with a negative sign and the underdog a positive sign.

For instance, the San Antonio Spurs are taking on Boston Celtics and are favoured to win with odds of +2.00 while the Celtics are (-2.5). This means that if you place a 200 CAD moneyline bet on the former and the top of the game, you win 400 CAD.

Decimal Odds

Decimal Odds are the easiest format to understand; they are commonly utilized in Canada and the rest of the world. Many punters go for this odd format because it is the most straightforward and easy-to-understand of the three. Decimal odds can only have a positive value and are represented by usual arithmetic decimals. Basketball devotees will be able to figure out their returns which are based on what has been laid on the line, the stake. The equation for potential returns in this format is stake x odd,  the amount that will be paid out if the bet is a winner will be a factor of your wager. For example, If the odd is 2.5 and the stake is 200 CAD:

Win = stake x odd 

Win = 200 CAD x 2.5 = 500 CAD

Fractional Odds

The fractional odds are dominant in Canada, and the format is quite popular with NBA bettors. The process of Calculating your returns and profit may initially seem overly tricky and confusing, especially if you are new to NBA betting. Fractional odds allow you to calculate how much money you will win on your bet in comparison to your stake. As the name hints, these odd formats are represented in fractions. Whenever you see two numbers separated by a forward slash, for example, 10/1, it is a fractional odd. The number on the left (i.e. 10) is how much you will win, while the number on the right (1) is how much you need to stake.

As an example, with odds of 10/1, for every 1 CAD you bet, you will win 10 CAD.

Win = odds x stake 

Win = 10/1 x 10 CAD = 100 CAD


Parting Word

Sports betting is wildly popular worldwide, and basketball is one of the most popular sports to bet on. Basketball is a fun game to watch anyway, but betting on it is even more fun. For new bettors and existing basketball devotees, NBA odd is the basis for understanding and calculating your profits and returns. It is important to gain knowledge on the best three odd formats for NBA in sports betting.

The three popular NBA odds are American odds, Decimal odds, and Fractional odds. The Decimal odd is the least confusing of the three, followed by the American odd, which is also straightforward. Fractional odds, on the other hand, is a bit tricky to calculate, hence why it is not a common choice for basketball punters.


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