Slot games have always been a firm favourite with casino enthusiasts. They are simple games to enjoy and can provide some of the biggest rewards possible. There are thousands upon thousands of options available to choose from, with numerous variations and mechanics being employed to try and make experiences different.

Progressive jackpots are naturally one of the most exciting and enjoyable types of video online slots now available to try. These games typically feature the same mechanics that traditional forms of the game follow, such as bonus features and layouts, but they come with a greater hook for players: bigger wins!

The wins that can be achieved when playing these games can be astronomical in comparison to some of the other types of slots available. This is because the jackpots that are available – which can be anywhere between one and four typically – will continue to increase the more people that play them across the game’s network until they are finally triggered and won.

It does not stop there, though, for these games. Once the jackpot has been won, they will restart from the beginning and portions of each bet placed by everyone playing the game will continue to build the various jackpot prizes back up again until they are won. This process will continue to happen for as long as the game is being played.

Popular symbols that can be found

Now that you have an understanding of this game type when heading to an operator that provides them, and no longer have to ponder questions like “What is progressive jackpot?” or “How are these games being played?” Before choosing one, it is important to explore just what to expect from an aesthetic point of view. Knowing what to expect visually can help you select the right type of game. At the same time, it can give you a better idea of whether it will be enjoyable and immersive enough to keep you engaged without boredom setting in.

Naturally, developers like to keep things as simple as possible with these games. Therefore, it is no surprise that there are a number of common symbols that can be found throughout progressive jackpot slots.

A lot of them will depend on the themes used – more on this shortly – but you can typically expect to see the following in most (if not all):

  • Playing card symbols (10-A)
  • Classic fruit symbols
  • Gems
  • Jackpot symbols

Popular themes that are used by developers

Developers want to ensure they are able to keep players interested and engaged for as long as possible with the games that they create. They do this by utilizing certain themes and creating an immersive experience through the stories that they tell.

This is why slot enthusiasts will have noticed that there are hundreds of slots that feature the same themes, but all with variations in order to keep things as different as possible. Among the most popular themes are:

There is a vast array of themes available, but developers have created and used them carefully. By being as selective and strategic as possible with their designs, they know that they will be able to appeal to a certain target market, as they only choose themes that will capture interest and generate enough intrigue to get them spinning the reels to try and land the progressive jackpots that are made available.

Will Progressive Jackpots be the future of online slots?

It is possible to argue that progressive jackpot slots are not as popular as other online video slots available, but there is every chance that they could become one of them in the future.

While there are many who like to play in order to try and achieve the biggest wins possible, many enthusiasts have realized that they can have an enjoyable session by playing their favourite games, regardless of whether they feature a progressive jackpot or not. As they recognize, gambling is about enjoyment and being safe you can also check out Ignition Casino Australia.

Nonetheless, as more and more of these slots continue to be released by developers, there is a likelihood of these games growing in terms of their popularity; especially as they continue to offer lucrative rewards!