Online gaming is no longer a pastime for teens. Today, up to three billion women, older adults, keen e-sports fans, monthly subscribers, and cloud gamers are all forming a heterogeneous group that relies on this hobby to entertain themselves, de-stress, and make new connections. Around 74% of homes have at least one person who plays video games, and some 7% of them are aged older than 65. How has gaming upped its appeal to so many people, and what factors can enhance its popularity further?


Shared Gaming Experiences

Millions of people turned to online gaming during lockdowns, even among those without access to gaming consoles or PCs. Research by Streamlabs and Stream Hatchet reveals, for instance, that Twitch (the leading gaming platform) experienced an 83% year-on-year rise in 2020, with people enjoying over 5 billion hours of content. It wasn’t all about entertainment; almost 50% of teachers in the US and the US relied on gaming to boost student engagement, and 91% of them said their results were positive. In the post-pandemic world, people continued to seek a sense of connection through online avenues. Many also switched to permanent telecommuting, which freed up time they now dedicate to gaming. The continuing expansion of the gaming industry’s expected to lend it a net worth of $321 billion by 2026.

A Growing Number of Games 

The wide array of games on offer has done plenty to attract people from different walks of life. There are currently over 50,000 games on the digital distribution service, Steam and several new gaming consoles have been released. In 2021 alone, around 1,700 games were launched on Nintendo platforms, 980 were released for PlayStation, and 725 were launched for Xbox. They boast higher visual resolution, faster storage, and enhanced gameplay features that are also being used to rejig classic games.


Gamification in Training

Gamification is all about adding game mechanics to enhance staff training effectiveness and engagement. Learning key processes and information is far easier when fun elements such as badges, points, leaderboards, and other features are included in the equation. Investing in this type of training is bringing savvy companies big rewards. Companies that use this tool have a 700% conversion rate, 87% of workers say it makes them more productive, and at least half of all startups are integrating it into their strategy.

Fair Pricing is Key

One obstacle to the further growth of gaming is the rising cost of games.’s Bartosz Skwarczek is worried that unfair pricing could slow down progress. He recently wrote that we are currently at a point where the $70 games are becoming typical. Considering the fact that many people are facing financial difficulties, says Skwarczek, growth is bound to suffer. More competitive prices will increase the appeal of gaming to many people who are spending less time at home and who are once again enjoying life on the outside, attending concerts and other cultural events, or socializing with friends.


People of all ages now embrace online gaming. Not only is it used for entertainment purposes, but also for training. To ensure it continues to appeal to a wide audience, game manufacturers should focus on creating high-quality, immersive games that are a little gentler on the pocket.

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