There’s a reason why there are now enough solar installations in the United States to power 23.3 million homes. Whether it’s the low price of panels or government incentives, there’s never been a better time for solar panel installation.

If you’ve decided that a solar system is right for you, you might be wondering what types of preparations you should be making.

That’s why we made this article. In it, we’ll discuss some of the things you should take care of before the big installation day. Let’s get started!

Secure Financing

Unless you have a lot of money lying around odds are you will need some financing to afford your solar system. The good news is that there are a variety of loan programs out there made just for solar panels.

What’s more, you’re able to take a percentage of the system cost off your taxes in the form of a federal solar tax credit. So, shop around lenders until you find a loan with the most favorable conditions for you.

Complete Necessary Repairs

Solar Panel Installation

F9M5F0 Workers install photovoltaic solar panels on the slate roof of a Victorian house in London, England.

The last thing you want after the solar panel installation process is to realize you need a roof replacement. That’s thousands of dollars down the drain.

So, save yourself a headache and get your roof inspected ahead of time. Complete any repairs or replacements that may be needed before you install the system.

Consider How Large You Want Your Solar System

Next, you need to decide how big you want your solar system. This depends on two factors: your budget and the amount of space you have available. The larger your system is the less you will need to rely on traditional power.

But, if you can’t afford a huge system, or you just don’t have space, you’ll need to be content with offsetting instead of replacing traditional power.

If you have your heart set on a large system, discuss your options with your solar provider. They may be able to work out something to accommodate you.

Find the Best Solar Company

Once you get all this done it’s time to find a solar panel company. If you want to go solar you need a company that has a lot of experience in the field.

This isn’t just so your solar system looks and operates correctly (though that’s a big part). Your solar company will also be responsible for all the permits and rebates.

If you choose a subpar team, then they can drag this process out for months. Instead, search around until you find a popular company with good reviews. Then, schedule a solar panel consultation to see if they’re a good fit.

Enjoy Learning About Solar Panel Installation? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you properly prepare for your solar panel installation. Ultimately, the smoothness of your solar installation will depend almost entirely on the company you go with.

So, make sure to do your research before you commit to an installer. That way, you can benefit from solar power without dealing with headaches.

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