Over the last decade, online gambling is becoming more and more powerful. In 2020, the industry value reached almost $67 billion. By 2023, it’s going to exceed $92 billion. This massive growth determines a number of trends. Some of them are big enough to change the future of the entire industry.

1. Digital Money

Crypto such as Bitcoin, Etherum, and Shiba will potentially replace traditional money in the future. Online gambling has already started adjusting its system to digital currencies. And it seems to be a great match. The anonymity offered by cryptocurrencies allows players to stay hidden online, which enables greater data protection. However, online casinos and sportsbooks have to collect personal information about customers to protect them and prevent scams. This dilemma is still in the process of resolving.

2. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR)

Mobile gambling didn’t even exist ten years ago. Well, the situation has changed drastically. More and more people shift their gambling experience into a mobile format.

Many of the features offered by VR/AR — such as gesture imitation, 3D avatars, and live interactions — have made video poker resemble the real thing. And this is one of many examples. The barrier to entry for VR/AR is high because customers have to purchase expensive equipment such as headsets. No wonder VR/AR is still considered to be a relatively slow online gambling trend.

3. Esports Betting

Betting on esports is a growing trend that has expanded the gambling industry drastically. It enables new data-driven customer experiences, more credible betting, and more advanced opportunities for in-game betting. At https://dota2-bet.com/, you can see how everything works by checking out the teams, bets, odds, and other gambling features.

Betting on NBA or FIFA may have been popular during the pandemic. The titles like DOTA 2 and CS: GO saw the same success. This suggests that esports betting has become equally successful with traditional sports. If anything, users can rely on the integrity of esports betting more than traditional sports betting. This has faced immense corruption scandals in the past.

4. Safer Gambling

Online gambling gets new regulations that address the current development of the entire sector. Instead of waiting for new laws and retrofitting products accordingly, online casinos and sportsbooks tend to integrate safer gambling into all spheres of the product development process.

In 2022, box-ticking is not enough to make online gambling safer. Many gambling sites have started offering pop-up windows to warn users of scams and encourage them to set their own deposit limits.

5. Gambling Offers from Entertainment Corporations

The arrival of gambling offers from established entertainment companies has also taken over the market. The streaming platforms like Netflix have already launched games based on local films and TV series. This very fact reveals the future potential of casino games

Disney is exploring partnerships with third parties to pursue sports betting offers. Amazon may also be added to this trend as it has recently started offering live football streams.

Bottom Line

Once an online gambling trend appears on the market, it needs to be capitalized. Assessing exactly how each trend could be transformed can help you achieve success. Testing the related features is also part of the plan.

Online casinos and sportsbooks manage to deliver exceptional digital experiences to their customers through real-world gambling. If you want to follow the paces of success in 2022, you should be familiar with modern trends.


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