If you’ve not already realized that video is the most popular type of web content, now is the time to do so. The importance of video marketing trends in overall marketing strategy is growing. Eighty-six per cent of businesses said they were using video as a marketing strategy in 2021. Moreover, 93% of them consider it a crucial component of their overall strategy.

The percentage of businesses that use video as a marketing technique has grown. Businesses aren’t simply speculating. They’re replying to a clear demand from consumers for more video content.

According to research, 84 percent of buyers have been persuaded to purchase stuff after watching a video, and they are two times more likely to share a video than any other content. According to Cisco, the video will account for 82 per cent of all web traffic by 2022.

We’ll go through some of the year’s most popular video marketing trends, such as super-short videos clips, live streams on social media, and full-production advertising and storytelling. 

Storytelling in sequence 

YouTube has spent a lot of time and effort figuring out what makes great video content. According to their findings, videos with sequential narrative — movies with a beginning, middle, and finish – perform better and provide more effective advertisements.

When you think about it, it’s not that shocking. The narrative structure is more crucial than ever with the rise of streaming television and YouTube as an entertainment platform where consumers watch more and longer-form videos.

This is a trend that works for YouTube and practically any other place where video material is used. It works for both short and lengthy videos. So, what exactly does this imply? You may tell the same tale in multiple videos, picking up where you left off in one and starting over in the next.

User-generated content 

User-generated videos have long been popular on social media, but they can now be found almost anywhere. Even non-user-generated video can have a real feel to it.


Imagine how many of the videos you’ve lately viewed – from TikTok dances to ads – practically every other video appears to be spontaneous. It has a look-at-what-I-just-made vibe to it rather than a feeling of creation.

Interactive videos 

There are many different types of interactive videos. On a website or in a shared post, it may be virtual reality or a game, as well as associated features, connections, or alternatives.

However, one thing is becoming increasingly popular: giving people something to do after they’ve viewed the movie. Keep the conversation going. Users who remain with you and watch a video have already expressed an interest in your brand and content, and they are more inclined to do so again. Maintain the relationship with interaction. 

Long-form videos 

Although some videos appear to be getting shorter and shorter, longer format videos are more popular. People are more accustomed to watching full-length films online, ranging from short social media clips and interviews to full-length serial episodes on YouTube. The key to longer-format video is that it must be of high quality. 


Did you know that longer videos might lead to higher levels of engagement? According to a survey conducted by Twentythree.net, videos longer than 15 minutes account for 50% of all video interaction but just 8% of the content. Consider it for a moment. You can achieve better results by making fewer, lengthier videos.

Content for education and training

Educational and training content is one of the most popular types of video content, including everything from FAQs to understanding how to use a new product to online learning in a university setting.

This is the place to start if you’re unsure what kind of video content to create. Create anything that explains who you are, what you do or your products or services offered for users. And they share it too. 

Instagram stories

Instagram isn’t just for live “stories.” They are using all types of video formats in public and private settings, such as web chatting and conferences. In-the-moment video builds a genuine connection with consumers who enjoy it.

According to Livestream, 80% of consumers would rather watch a company’s live video than read a blog, and 82% would rather watch live video than social media updates.

So, if you haven’t gone live yet, now is the time to consider it. Just keep the video short and to the point, and make sure the video and audio quality are both decent. Poor video quality is the most common reason consumers avoid live video.

Personal video interactions 

You can owe the pandemic for this video marketing fad, but more individuals adopt live video chat to engage individually or in groups.

The term “zooming” has become a verb to characterize this footage style. It will also cross over into direct marketing. Expect more person-to-person engagement using video, from themes and recorded recordings that appear like video chats to scheduling conversations for sales goals.

Vlogging vs blogging

The newest blogging is vlogging on YouTube (and other video platforms). Video diaries, testimonials, and tutorials are all excellent ways to aid in the discovery of your product or service. Furthermore, it is a rapidly expanding marketing segment.

With tools like Instagram TV and the do-it-yourself aspect of these films, vlogging is becoming more widespread all the time. To make a video tale on the internet, all you need is a phone, an affordable microphone, an online video editor, and YouTube.

Super-short video ads

What occurs if your video ad ends before the “skip” option appears? It almost guarantees that all of the information will be viewed. Super brief (or micro) video ads are becoming increasingly popular.

The goal is to make something interesting enough to click in 6 to 10 seconds. On the other hand, short-form video commercials can entice consumers just enough to make them desire more. 

Wrap up

Even if you aren’t an expert video creator, understand how a video will fit into your marketing and design strategies. 

To engage users in a way that they find extremely engaging, use video in website designs, social media, and stand-alone advertising.


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