WiFi routers can be found almost in every house nowadays, and they are also one more potential breach of your personal security. Luckily, multiple ways to find out if you are being spied on are getting more and more accessible. So, how can someone spy on you through WiFi? Let’s find it out what software can be used to prevent this.

Can Someone Spy on You Through WiFi Router?

We don’t want to pull the cat by the tail, so the answer is yes. You might even be spied on at this very moment, reading this article. Moreover, it is not as difficult to spy through WiFi as you might think at first. Of course, when you create your WiFi password, you do it responsibly and come up with a difficult one (we hope so), but for savvy hackers, it is a matter of seconds to break it. So, your security depends not on your safety measures here but on the reasons hackers access your system.

In most cases, your bank data is of some interest to cyber criminals. For example, when you buy something online, you enter your card details, and some shady individuals can spy through WiFi on this data. Moreover, you can also become a victim of blackmailers. Imagine you send an intimate picture to your girlfriend or wife, and hackers get it in their dirty hands—no need to be a rich kid to be blackmailed.

Thus, you are not safe if you only create a good password. It makes sense to change it, for example, every two weeks, and also check your computer for spyware. In such a way, you can be sure you are safe for 99%. Nothing guarantees 100% protection; remember this.

How to Find Out If Someone Is Spying on Me via WiFi?

Can Someone Spy on You Through WiFi?

The easiest way to check if someone is trying to spy on you through WiFi is to open the router settings and check active connections. Cut any unknown device you find there. You may also check what programs are currently running on your device. You may also use a “search people” feature to investigate the identity of any unfamiliar devices connected to your network.  Should you find there anything you are unsure you launched or even installed – close or delete it. Moreover, check the files opened on your device during the session. In this case, you will find out if you are being spied on or not and what data was compromised.

Ways to Protect Your WiFi Network

Specialists in IT security highlight several points everyone must follow to ensure their network is safe.

Create reliable passwords using capital letters, numbers, and special symbols. It is also recommended to change the password at least once every two weeks or if you share a WiFi connection with some visitors, especially those you do not know very well.

Protect your computer by installing antivirus software. Even the standard Windows Defender shows good results nowadays. Keep the virus databases up to date, and do not turn off the antivirus software at any moment.

Never follow unknown links, especially those you receive in weird messages. You may get a fishing program installed on your device, which will spy on your hotspot password.

Avoid insecure WiFi connections, for example, in cafes, at train stations, etc. If you plan to work there and need to be connected to the internet – you better use your cellular network. In this case, it will be much more difficult to spy through WiFi on you.

Check your computer for malware and spies regularly. You can even set the check schedule using some third-party apps. Just do it once and forget, so to speak.

Best Software to Protect Your WiFi Network

First of all, we can highlight the importance of using antiviruses. Being at their peak of popularity in 2000, nowadays, you can hardly hear people discussing Norton or Kaspersky. Nevertheless, it does not mean that people stopped using them. Moreover, they are accompanied by cheaper alternatives like Avast or McAfee and standard Windows Defender.

Next, we cannot pass by special programs created to protect you from individuals who want to spy on your internet searches and personal data. The most significant representatives of this category are Comodo and WiFi Protector. The mechanism of such applications is straightforward – they encrypt all the information you transfer via your WiFi connection. Thus, even if hackers get something they are not supposed to, they will either struggle to decipher it or spend more time doing that. And in the latter case, they might rethink if the value of the information they get is worth their time.

Finally… Well, there is no finally. We cannot say that the market of WiFi protection software is full of different offers and options. It is better to prevent the threat than fight with it. Thus, follow the recommendations we mentioned above and ensure you do not get your device hacked.


Can someone spy on you if they have your WiFi password?

It has never been easier to use your WiFi to spy on you when one knows the password. A hacker can just sit somewhere near your house and spy on your computer while connected to your hotspot. That is why sharing your password with people you do not fully trust is never recommended.

Can someone spy on my history if we share WiFi?

No authentification is required when you are connected to the same network. So, other people connected to the same network can easily spy through WiFi on your device. We recommend never entering your personal data or visiting resources with private content while connected to public networks.

How to tell if someone is using your WiFi to spy on you?

There are several ways to understand that someone uses your WiFi to spy on you. Obviously, one of the first signs would be some unknown applications installed on your device. It can also be helpful to check the opened files to know if someone got access to your data.

Can someone put a spy app on my router for a WiFi connection?

We cannot say that installing a spy app on your WiFi router is impossible, as nothing is impossible. However, we have never faced such a thing before, so we would say that it is highly unlikely.

Can someone still spy on you with WiFi off?

It is impossible for someone to spy on your phone through WiFi if there is no WiFi. Therefore, it can be said that the easiest way to save yourself from hackers trying to access your device via WiFi is to turn the WiFi off.

Can someone spy with audio recorders on your WiFi network?

If hackers are on the same WiFi connection as you, they can definitely record your conversations. That is why we constantly remind you about the importance of keeping your hotspot safe. It would be great to check whether audio recorders are installed on your device right now.

Can someone spy on my computer through WiFi?

In short, people can spy on your computer through your WiFi. It does not usually happen with the devices of ordinary people, though. However, it is worth remembering that anyone can become a victim of bank scammers and blackmailers.

Can my bank security prevent someone on the same WiFi from spying on me to get bank info?

Your bank security has nothing to do with your WiFi connection. Cyber-safety of your personal data is solely your responsibility. The only thing bank security can do is advise you not to share your bank information with strangers.

Can Someone Spy on You Through WiFi Network: Conclusion

It is not so difficult to spy on your phone through WiFi. Well, not only your phone – any device. There are a lot of precautions you can follow. The last thing we would like to tell you – never think that you are safe when it comes to cyber security. Your attention is the key to your security.